I have been writing since I was in high school. My first professional writing jobs came when I was attending the Art Institute of Pittsburgh. I wrote and drew editorial cartoons for the University of Pittsburgh's student paper, The Pitt News, and I worked as editors assistant at Smile Magazine where I edited, illustrated and wrote original humor pieces. I've published a few things online including a science fiction novel and a humor piece for a western anthology mag. I was also a weekly correspondent for the national newsletter company, Streetmail.com as well as contributing essayist for one of the Buzz On series of informational books, The Buzz on Beer.
Currently, I am a contributing writer to the atheistic website Goswillchurch.com as well as a news copy writer for the Infidel, a daily atheist news broadcast on Atheist TV (www.youtube.com/user/AtheismTV).
I am the father of three wonderful children and have one brand new grandson, and I hope to stay motivated to see my mystery novel series published. I previously ran for the democratic nomination for the third ward council seat in my hometown of Toronto, Ohio.